Sending Tokens Using ethers.js
BeginnerSend Token Using ethers.js(5.0)
In This Tutorial You'll Learn How To
- Import ethers.js
- Transfer token
- Set gas price according to the network traffic situation
To get started, we must first import the ethers.js library into our javascript Include ethers.js(5.0)
1/home/ricmoo> npm install --save ethers
ES6 in the Browser
1<script type="module">2 import { ethers } from ""3 // Your code here...4</script>
ES3(UMD) in the Browser
1<script2 src=""3 type="application/javascript"4></script>
: Token contract address (contract address is needed when the token you want to transfer is not ether)send_token_amount
: The amount you want to send to the receiverto_address
: The receiver's addresssend_account
: The sender's addressprivate_key
: Private key of the sender to sign the transaction and actually transfer the tokens
is removed because sendTransaction()
does it internally.
Sending Procedures
1. Connect to network (testnet)
Set Provider (Infura)
Connect to Ropsten testnet
1window.ethersProvider = new ethers.providers.InfuraProvider("ropsten")
2. Create wallet
1let wallet = new ethers.Wallet(private_key)
3. Connect Wallet to net
1let walletSigner = wallet.connect(window.ethersProvider)
4. Get current gas price
1window.ethersProvider.getGasPrice() // gasPrice
5. Define Transaction
These variables defined below are dependent on send_token()
Transaction parameters
: address of the token senderto_address
: address of the token receiversend_token_amount
: the amount of tokens to sendgas_limit
: gas limitgas_price
: gas price
1const tx = {2 from: send_account,3 to: to_address,4 value: ethers.utils.parseEther(send_token_amount),5 nonce: window.ethersProvider.getTransactionCount(send_account, "latest"),6 gasLimit: ethers.utils.hexlify(gas_limit), // 1000007 gasPrice: gas_price,8}
6. Transfer
1walletSigner.sendTransaction(tx).then((transaction) => {2 console.dir(transaction)3 alert("Send finished!")4})
How to use it
1let private_key =2 "41559d28e936dc92104ff30691519693fc753ffbee6251a611b9aa1878f12a4d"3let send_token_amount = "1"4let to_address = "0x4c10D2734Fb76D3236E522509181CC3Ba8DE0e80"5let send_address = "0xda27a282B5B6c5229699891CfA6b900A716539E6"6let gas_limit = "0x100000"7let wallet = new ethers.Wallet(private_key)8let walletSigner = wallet.connect(window.ethersProvider)9let contract_address = ""10window.ethersProvider = new ethers.providers.InfuraProvider("ropsten")1112send_token(13 contract_address,14 send_token_amount,15 to_address,16 send_address,17 private_key18)Vis alle
1function send_token(2 contract_address,3 send_token_amount,4 to_address,5 send_account,6 private_key7) {8 let wallet = new ethers.Wallet(private_key)9 let walletSigner = wallet.connect(window.ethersProvider)1011 window.ethersProvider.getGasPrice().then((currentGasPrice) => {12 let gas_price = ethers.utils.hexlify(parseInt(currentGasPrice))13 console.log(`gas_price: ${gas_price}`)1415 if (contract_address) {16 // general token send17 let contract = new ethers.Contract(18 contract_address,19 send_abi,20 walletSigner21 )2223 // How many tokens?24 let numberOfTokens = ethers.utils.parseUnits(send_token_amount, 18)25 console.log(`numberOfTokens: ${numberOfTokens}`)2627 // Send tokens28 contract.transfer(to_address, numberOfTokens).then((transferResult) => {29 console.dir(transferResult)30 alert("sent token")31 })32 } // ether send33 else {34 const tx = {35 from: send_account,36 to: to_address,37 value: ethers.utils.parseEther(send_token_amount),38 nonce: window.ethersProvider.getTransactionCount(39 send_account,40 "latest"41 ),42 gasLimit: ethers.utils.hexlify(gas_limit), // 10000043 gasPrice: gas_price,44 }45 console.dir(tx)46 try {47 walletSigner.sendTransaction(tx).then((transaction) => {48 console.dir(transaction)49 alert("Send finished!")50 })51 } catch (error) {52 alert("failed to send!!")53 }54 }55 })56}Vis alle
Sist redigert: @, 4. desember 2023